WIE membership is open to anyone (women and men) whose support ensures that women will be well represented within IEEE and in the workplace. We welcome all women engineers,  engineering students, and men who support our vision and the women engineers in their lives.

To be a member of Women in Engineering, you will first need to be a member of IEEE. To join IEEE, visit the website. If you are already an IEEE member, you can simply add WIE to your membership subscription by visiting the following webpage.

  • FREE for a Student, Graduate Student, or Life Member!
  • If you are a Higher Grade Member (e.g. Senior Member), an additional annual fee ($25 USD) applies.

IEEE WIE Membership Benefits:

  • Access to technical journals of an international nature
  • Access to events organized by IEEE nationally and internationally with discounts
  • Professional Development: Seminars, webinars, congresses
  • Continuing Education: access to courses that offer recognized certifications
  • Networking
  • Volunteer opportunities to impact the community
  • Access to scholarships for professional development, trips to conferences
  • Access to scholarships for research
  • Access to funds for projects of high educational / innovative impact
  • Mentoring tools
  • Discounts on specific businesses such as Dell, insurance, etc.